Yamfore Development Update #9

3 min readOct 7, 2023



I. Introduction | II. Progress | III. Conclusion

I. Introduction

This is the ninth development blog providing an update on the progress of Yamfore. The goal of this blog is to keep the community informed of the team’s progress and to increase transparency throughout the development process.

II. Progress

Yamfore Testnet V2 Development Progress
Despite running slightly behind schedule, the Yamfore Public Testnet V2 is on track to be completed in a few weeks. The team has made significant progress on the auction scripts, lending/collateral, and off-chain components, with all tests passing. Further testing and optimizations are underway to ensure a seamless user experience and polish the UI/UX.

Here is a list of some of the changes and improvements that community members can expect in the upcoming V2:

New Stats page:
A new “Stats” page has been introduced that showcases the various core parameters and metrics of the protocol, including but not limited to: CBLP flat fee %, LVR, fixed interest rate, total active loans, and CBLP treasury value.

Improved Loan Information:
The “Loan” page that showcased any held loan position has been renamed to “Positions” and now includes further core information about a user’s loan position, allowing users to track their position without having to use external methods. The exact profit and loss and all contextual loan information is now shown.

Market Section finalized:
As showcased in the sneak-peeks section of the Discord, the “Market” section of Yamfore is now complete, pending some minor UI/UX adjustments. The market section allows access to the CBLP Auction portal and ADA exchange pool.

Vote Section:
Although progressive governance remains an initiative after the protocol’s initial mainnet launch, the team has begun tentative work on working on the mechanisms as well as the accompanying UI/UX experience. Until then, the Vote section links to the Gitbooks explaining progressive governance.

General polish and more intuitive prompts:
Many aspects of the protocol’s UI/UX experience have been further polished with many intuitive UI prompts added and contextual information displayed when performing various tasks.

ADA & CBLP Liquidity Boost
After initially announcing 50k ADA in liquidity for the ADA & CBLP pool on Minswap, the Yamfore team has added a further 50k ADA, totalling 100k in ADA and increasing the ADA & CBLP liquidity pool’s total value to around 800k.

Fair Token Offering Reminder
As many community members are already aware, Yamfore will use the CBLP auction portal mechanism to conduct the FTO distribution. The Fair Token Offering (FTO) event will take place on the protocol’s “Market” section after mainnet launch. It will be conducted through the CBLP Auction portal using the exact mechanisms described in the Litepaper. For community members interested in learning more or participating in the FTO, the official blog post outlining the team’s strategy is linked here: https://yamfore.medium.com/yamfore-fair-token-offering-strategy-94821fbb8ba9

III. Conclusion

The team would like to thank our community for their unwavering support and feedback throughout our development journey. We understand that it has been a long and winding road, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to overcome the challenges including these recent delays

Follow us:
🌎 Website: https://yamfore.com/
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