Yamfore Development Update #2

3 min readOct 30, 2022



I. Introduction | II. Progress | III. Conclusion

I. Introduction

This is the second development blog detailing the progress on the development of Yamfore. This development blog aims to update the community on the teams progress, and provide greater transparency throughout Yamfores development process.

II. Progress

Development on Yamfore has in large part been going well. There have been numerous issues / hurdles we’ve stumbled upon along the way, but the team has generally progressed through these minor setbacks. This is of course expected when considering the nascent state of Cardano’s smart contract ecosystem, especially in comparison to other more established blockchains. This hasn’t majorly detracted from the development schedule and the team still remains conceptualizing & refining the architecture of the on-chain components of Yamfore.

The UX/UI aspect of the Yamfore has generally been finalized and it remains in a state of constant polishing with minor revisions here and there. The aim from day 1 has been to make sure that Yamfore is accessible and user friendly for the end-user. The UI /UX experience should be intuitive even to individuals unfamiliar with utilizing DeFi products. The team with this goal in mind has opted to take heavy inspiration from Uniswaps design philosophy, keeping the user experience simple, straightforward and minimalist.

UI / UX illustrations below:

LIght Mode ☀️
Dark Mode 🌑

*All illustrated UI /UX elements are not finalized and subject to change.

III. Conclusion

There has been an influx of new Yamfore members, which we are grateful to receive, but need to make aware of how the team operates. The team typically builds in silence and only makes social media announcements when necessary. The value offering of the Yamfore protocol will more than speak for itself, and the best “advertising” is simply to just build and release the protocol.

The big focus for the team at the moment is making sure we hit our Q4 deadline and deliver a polished public testnet experience for the community. If we aren’t satisfied with the presentation, robustness or safety mechanisms of the protocol in any way, shape or form. We’ll show no hesitation in delaying the release of Yamfore till everything is in order and the protocol is at an acceptable level of quality & safety. We’re of course held accountable to our community, and will communicate through any issues / delays, if they occur.

Yamfore is a financial tool with tremendous impacts on the financial well being of its end users if improperly built / rushed. If there’s any uncertainties / issues that prevent us from reaching our deadlines, we will always choose the safety and wellbeing of our community members over releasing an unfinished product that could have major financial repercussions. Once again, we’re thankful for the support of the community, and we’re continuously focused on bringing the best possible product to market, without forfeiting the safety of our community members.

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